On starting again.

So here I am again, blogging like it’s 2001. I probably should be doing substack or something, but one step at a time. I don’t really do YouTube, I persist with Instagram but it feels like a slog, Facebook was ditched years ago. Twitter was fun but I’m not sure it has long left and Threads is so shallow that it’s hard to dive in. So where to post some new work, where to ramble on about whatever is in my head when I’m out on the hills or floating around in the sea. Where to collect the photographs that may never make it to the gallery as prints, the work that might make a book one day or might never make it beyond a hard drive? Where to deposit the odd little photographic obsessions and mini-projects that I seem to make from time to time. Maybe it’s here, let’s see…

Wall Not Tree

Wallnot tree. Brighton, May 2023.